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Jun, 2022

Partnering with Youth Alive

Since 1991, as mentors, youth leaders, counselors, case managers, intervention specialists and violence interrupters, we at Youth ALIVE! have worked to help violently wounded people heal themselves and their community. Our mission is to prevent violence and create young leaders. We believe that young people growing up and going to school in the city’s most violent neighborhoods, possess the power to change the city for the better. We meet our clients where they are, at homein schoolat the hospital bedsides of young shooting victims, on the streetsof our most dangerous neighborhoods.

Our frontline staff is comprised of men and women who grew up in the communities they serve. Some are former victims, some former gang members. All are highly trained in the best practices of their profession. They bring not judgement, but only understanding, knowledge, and a path to greater peace for traumatized individuals and the city.

Our primary goals along the way to achieving our mission:

  • To educate and train young leaders to create a more peaceful community
  • To interrupt the cycle of violence on the streets
  • To convince angry victims and their loved ones not to retaliate
  • To provide ongoing support to help the wounded and grieving get needed services and heal from their trauma


Oakland Midnight Basketball League
Jumaal Hill 
OAKLAND, California 94607

Phone: 510-214-2499
Email: [email protected]

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